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Screen Ready

Media production brings spending on locations and services and promotes the region, so attracting screen tourism and helping to boost economic and social benefits and development.

We’re excited to welcome:

  • Lloret MacKenna Dunn, leading Location Manager
  • Diane Mackenzie of Culross Community Council on hosting production
  • Visit Scotland

Screen Ready is presented in collaboration with Visit Scotland and partners, the Councils of Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross.

Please book your free tickets at Eventbrite.

Our speakers are:

Lloret MacKenna Dunn has unique knowledge of the media production sector built from over 25 years' having fun planning and managing locations in Scotland. Her film, TV and commercial credits include: The Lost King (Pathé), Eurovision (Netflix), Patrick Melrose (Sky Atlantic), T2 Trainspotting (DNA Films), World War Z (Paramount Pictures), Stag (BBC), Samsung (Filming Scotland) and many more.

Diane Mackenzie – having been Secretary of Culross Community Council, Diane has a great perspective on production and screen tourism. She has first-hand experience of what is involved in hosting production and dealing with the opportunities and challenges involved and resulting.

Visit Scotland - TBA

Productions bring crews ranging from just a few people up to several hundred. They all need services like accommodation, transport and catering. Depending on the subject, they may also need input such as experts and culture, leisure or other experiences. The wider impact is worth at least double the direct spending.

Screen Tourism

We’re very conscious of the challenges being faced by the tourism and hospitality sectors following the pandemic and due to current economic headwinds. But did you know that 40% of visitors to the UK come here having been inspired by seeing a destination on film or television? It's great news for everyone involved in all kinds of media production, for destinations and for tourism.

According to a Travel Weekly MyCompany Quarterly Report in October 2022, “travel remains a priority despite 40% of Europeans being worried about increasing travel costs in light of the ongoing cost of living crisis, new data reveals. As many as 70% plan a trip in the next six months, a 4% increase in a year, showing a growing appetite for travel, according to the European Travel Commission (ETC). More than half (52%) intend to travel at least twice, demonstrating pent-up demand for holidays.”

We are also aware of the challenges that can be faced by locations that become popular with tourists eager to find out more about the making of their favourite shows.

Production in Fife Tay

2021/22 was a great year for production in the Fife Tay region and in Scotland. Our iconic, unique and diverse locations play a big role in attracting production. But none of it would be possible without the fabulous, film friendly reception ready to greet production by location owners and all the services from accommodation to technical.

Here’s how you can find out about the production shot on location in the delightfully diverse Fife and Tay region and across Scotland. You'll hear about what’s involved in attracting and hosting production and how to make the most of opportunities after the cameras have been and gone.

To highlight the opportunities and share promotional ideas, Screen Ready is being hosted by FifeScreen+TayScreen, the Screen Office serving the region that takes in Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross.

Book now

So join us online on 30th November and let's explore and make the most of all of these great opportunities together. If your business is working or engaging with screen and media, or you would like to find out more, book your place now for this FREE webinar. You won't want to miss it.
Please book your free tickets at Eventbrite.


  • 10.00 Lloret MacKenna Dunn
  • 10.30 Q&A
  • 10.50 Diane Mackenzie
  • 11.00 Visit Scotland
  • 11.15 Q&A
  • 11.30 Close

The event will be held via Zoom and a link will be sent in advance of the event. To find out more about Zoom and download it for free please visit the Zoom website.